Apparently I'm Just Awesome

Oct 18, 2004 20:13

I get an im request today from a person who I've never seen before. I've go not idea who this is but I feel almost proud of myself for managing to piss someone off by putting something into my profile that someone else said.

civicracerh22a: u unsenseless bastard
unuselessj: huh?
civicracerh22a: the good thing that comes outa canada is the humunhus shit logs
civicracerh22a: "Sadly, programmers are particulally endangered due to their inability to mate in captivity.... or anywhere else!"
- /. post
civicracerh22a: UR A FUCKING RETARD
unuselessj: huh?
civicracerh22a: how do ur sun glasses fit?
civicracerh22a: well arent u a unflushed turd
civicracerh22a: stinky fuck
unuselessj: who in the hell are you sir?
civicracerh22a: indeed u r truly a fuckin fagget

And so concludes that.
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