Disney is the Devil of LIES!!!!

Sep 11, 2005 15:47

I was watching "Sleeping Beauty" and something suddenly occured to me....Disney has been lying to me...THEY LIED!!! I remember watching these movies when i was a kid and thinking that's how it went: You find your prince, you both fall madly in love, you live happily ever after. Does that honestly happen?! If it does i would love to know because it ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

memriesoflove September 11 2005, 21:00:42 UTC
I think it might be true...but I'll get back to you in a couple of years. We'll see how my current situation works out.

Disney was lying in the same way your parents lie to you about Santa...not to harm...just to make life a little better.



billy_on_bottom September 11 2005, 21:17:49 UTC
Okay. Uh. Breathe. Then stop. You know what I am talking about. Don't make me drive up there and slap you please. Cause you know its not an empty threat.


adamtheamazing September 12 2005, 00:13:04 UTC
Oy, Disney. As a matter of fact, Disney is just loaded with little patterns that reinforce our stereotypes and expectations ( ... )


joy2thefishes September 12 2005, 03:15:51 UTC
I think I should point out beauty and the beast as an example of a woman with a brain and power. She got her dad out of jail (granted, it was for being pretty, but, who cares?) also, she didn't fall in love at first sight, she slowly fell in love with him. Her dad was thought crazy, yet he was a genius! People made fun of him, but who won in the end? HUH!?!

I also like disney because I support anything with gay pride. I wonder why the hurricane didn't take out disney world since God sent it to get rid of homosexuals and all.


Um, it's all true. khrysteenah September 13 2005, 04:15:04 UTC
There is true love and talking animals...you just have to be a princess to get them.

Beat the system-get a parrot, and a mail-ordered groom.


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