my new favourite colour is amber :p

Apr 24, 2012 00:29

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1. i adore amber's singing voice.

2. i just adore amber in general - one day when i am freer than now (which may possibly mean never >_<) i will trawl youtube for as many amber vids as possible.

3. i'm partial to amber cuz all tomboys remind me of my sister and i will always adore her as a result ♥

4. henber(?) / amry (?) is starting to rock my boat (omg het otp! @_@)  lolz~  but how can anyone watch them together on stage and not be just that little bit attracted? :D XD :D

amber is the new black, bim-moment xp, adorable hotness, paying it forward, wrl, recs, songs, one slip and tat's it, suju

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