look as long as you can

Feb 26, 2012 22:46

i jus spent a restful weekend doing nothing but sleeping and watching movies and it was glorious after all the late nites and sleep-deprived mornings - i LOVE lazing in bed with no alarm to disturb me :D :D :D

watched 'bridesmaids' and 'the help' back to back and they were each so empowering in their own way - totally understand why they were both oscar-nominated.  the underlying themes of self-respect and lasting frenships between women resonate so strongly with me, cuz they are qualities tat i believe can bring one thru all the ups and downs of life.

'look as long as you can at the friend you love,
no matter whether that friend is moving away from you
or coming back toward you.'
----rumi, 'my worst habit'

books/poems/writing/fic, movies, recs, wrl

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