(no subject)

Aug 07, 2004 02:59

I had a good day, and a great night. Went shopping with my sis and Marni at the Oaks today. I bought a lot of stuff.... stuff that I actually needed for once haha. Then I had an appt with the oral surgeon... a check-up after the surgery. Thank god that whole experience is over. And I never have to do it again! Yeah so then I hung out with friends today. And I got to see Chad again finally. :-) :-) Sarah, Kalen, Chad, and me went to simi for a bit. I convinced them to take Chad's truck, I think it's an awesome truck. It can go off-roading and everything. Then we went to see this really idiotic movie called Napoleon Dynamite. It's about this highschool kid who's a geek and all of these stupid adventures he encounters. It was just one of the most non-entertaining movies I've ever seen. Not only that, there was absolutely no point to it. But after that we hung out some more, went back to Sarah's for a little bit... then hung out at the park at night near my house. I wanted to hike up to the top of the hill to see all the stars... but no one wanted to. Hehe... I'll just do that some other time. I had a really good time with them though. Sorry Chad and I "ruined your moment" you guys! haha...I'm so excited about my cruise. I'm leaving Sunday morning. I'm gonna miss everyone though a lot. Last year when I went on a cruise, my cell phone didn't work. And I never got the internet to work either. But yeah, it's only a week. And there's gonna be so much to do on the ship. It'll keep my mind off certain things that I've been thinking about lately that have been depressing me.... hopefully. I hate when I get in these periods of time of just feeling down. There's nothing I can do about it. The more you try to help what's bothering you, or avoiding it the worse it gets. Time is the only thing that helps. It just sucks when you feel like no one understands you, or you are surrounded by a bunch of people you care about but you still feel lonely. But yeah... whatever, it will pass eventually. We took a lot of pictures tonight. Kalen has them on his camera so he's gonna send them to me tomorrow. And I can post them here. :) Well I'm going to sleep.... good night everyone.
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