Feb 02, 2011 11:34
I sadly spent last weekend in bed, quite ill, so I did what was best and finally caught up with both US Skins and UK Skins.
What striked me was how disappointed I was after watching UK’s 501. I had read comments on FF and they were almost all highly positive and delighted, so I had good expectations… and, well, at the end I was so unimpressed it almost felt weird. The storyline seemed to me quite unrealistic and forced (all those things happening in - what was it? 2 days?) and the end of the ep was too positive to be truly believable IMO, but above all I didn’t feel the characters. At all. The scene between Franky and Matty had me even go all “WTF is that? Who wrote it? Come on, please”.
What’s scary is that at the moment I prefer US Skins, which is really saying a lot…
I just… I don’t know. I want to love Gen 3, but right now I don’t feel anything for them.
momento di depressione