Nietzsche's poetry

Feb 27, 2007 17:39

The Sceptic Speaks.

Your life is half-way o'er;
The clock-hand moves; your soul is thrilled with
It roamed to distant shore
And sought and found not, yet you--linger here!

Your life is half-way o'er;
That hour by hour was pain and error sheer:
Why stay? What seek you more?
"That's what I'm seeking--reasons why I'm here!"

Ecce Homo

Yes, I know where I'm related,
Like the flame, unquenched, unsated,
I consume myself and glow:
All's turned to light I lay my hand on,
All to coal that I abandon,
Yes, I am a flame, I know!

Star Morality

Foredoomed to spaces vast and far,
What matters darkness to the star?

Roll calmly on, let time go by,
Let sorrows pass thee--nation's die!

Compassion would but dim the light
That distant worlds will gladly sight.

To thee one law--be pure and bright!

My Good Luck

Weary of Seeking had I grown,
So taught myself the way to Find:
Back by the storm I once was blown,
But follow now, where drives the wind.


Worldly Wisdom

Stay not on level plain,
Climb not the mount too high,
But half-way up remain--
The world you'll best descry!

To a Lover of Light

That eye and sense be not fordone
E'en in the shade pursue the sun!


"How shall I reach the top?" No time
For thus reflecting! Start to climb!


For Consideration

A twofold pain is easier far to bear
Than one: so now to suffer wilt thou dare?

A Cure for Pessimism

Those old capricious fancies, friend!
You say your palate naught can please,
I hear you bluster, spit and wheeze,
My love, my patience soon will end!
Pluck up your courage, follow me--
Here's a fat toad! Now then, don't blink,
Swallow it whole, nor pause to think!
From your dyspepsia you'll be free!

The Wanderer

"Now longer path! Abyss and silence chillings!"
Thy fault! To leave and path thou wast too willing!
Now comes the test! Keep cool -- eyes bright and clear!
Thou'rt lost for sure, if thou permittest--fear.

The Realistic Painter

"To nature true, complete!" so he begins.
Who complete Nature to his canvas wins?
Her tiniest fragment's endless, no constraint
CAn know: he paints just what his fancy pins:
What does his fancy pin? What he can paint!
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