Aug 08, 2005 21:35
Well today I kinda got some bad news but I cant say that I wasnt expecting it. I went in June to get a pap for the second time since the first one came out abnormal. Well today I got the call about my results....which I knew were not going to be good since my mom had gotten hers in July and we took our both in June. Well my results came out abnormal yet again. Not good not good at all. So now I need to go for a third check up and I heard that this one is going to "hurt like hell" from my mom's mouth. I honestly dont think that anything is wrong because yet again I was stupid and wore tampons before my test. My first test happened the same way. I had my period just one or two days prior so it happened this way too. Well I really do think that it was the residue from the tampons again but one can never tell. So yes in the back of my mind there is that lil bit of doubt but I really dont think that anything is wrong. I am just a bit nervous cause this one is going to hurt. I was even told that I need to take 600mg of tylenol before I have the exam done. YOU DONT SAY THAT!!! But I know that I need to know that to make it a tiny less painful. So now this scary but I know that I am going to be ok. Maybe this is God telling me something. I dont know I am just going to pray that nothing is wrong. At least nothing serious. Well tomorrow I have to go with the family as we go to Shanelle's app cause rite after we have to go to Pembroke to and pay for stuff and see if they have my FREAKING SPANISH BOOKS!! Ok well RAW is on and Lita looks funny in a neckbrace.