Jan 11, 2005 20:07
..:i finally just gave up on u...and it hurts relly bad to do it..and i messed up so many times with you, and the fuckin weird thing is that you dont even see them as mess ups which irritates me even more.. but i cared about u so much, for the past like 5 months i put others off bc i wanted you...and i know i was good enough but i dont fall for that bullshit n think i wasnt...but you had me wanting you a lot and you didnt care..or youd make it seem like you care but you never met me half way..except by accepting my apoligees aftr my temper tantrums...it seemed like u had this way about u that was so confident but then there were other parts that were kinda gray on confidence...and i never understood it...i know its gonna hurt like hell to try and let this go and i know im going to miss you but i know i can do this simply because i did it before...but then u had to talk to me again. well u said u dont get mad over the little things or worried i cant remembr so im not goin to anymore and ill just realize this whole thing is definitely over and im letting go of the idea that you cared or that you would ever want to be with me...and i know that im difficult and not like alotta other girls but i guess thats just me and i wouldnt change it. but i will miss u and im sorry for wasting your time and wasting my time...
...and i wish i NEVER went into that bathroom that one morning..:
.things are going relly good. the days are going by fast and sooner than i know it i'll be doen with highschool. im so happy about so many things in my life, i wouldnt change it for anything.
<3 always trei