Oct 26, 2007 14:28
all i want to do is have fun for one weekend. just get out and have fun. i'm just too fucking nice. i had to listen to my dad lecture me about not saving money this week in case of any emergecny car repair and he was nice enough to pay for my car repairs (well the majority of it at least). but ya know what, i did have savings for it...i had over $500 saved for emergecny situations, but there was some family $ problems and i willingly let person use my saved $$ so that they could get bills paid and visit other family members. i don't mind sharing, not at all...but than the next thing i know i needed that money. i'm not mad at the person i lent the money too...i'm just mad that i know can't go out this weekend. my car is fixed, everyhting is fine...but i just can't afford to go out of town now. and ppl might think, oh well just go out of town next week. but it isn't that simple-not when ur working full time and going to school full time..that and my pay check tomorrow is already budgeted out so no money for another 2 weeks..and that pay check goes to other bills. and i won't have enough money saved for another month to pay for a weekend excusrion.
i just want out. sometiems i just want to quit my job and just have all sorts of freee time, minus the school time..but than i would have no money to pay for fun stuff.
the one weekend i had everyhting taken care of to go out of town--shifts covered, classes taken care of..and bam no money to go out. god. i just need a life here in j-ville and i'd be fine. but it will be another weekend stuck at home and if i hang out with anyone it will be once again my dad, his gf. and her 16 and under children-wohoo.