Sep 29, 2007 17:19
Jacksonville has not proven to be the best move for me yet. It has been a rough past week Moving was good for a lot of reasons, and I am really enjoying school-i feel like I am accomplishing something. the lack of friends has been rough though. this week my dad said that I watch to much tv. I agree with him, but i don't have much else to do. I work, go to school, go to the gym and If i'm not doing one of those, well there isn't much else for me. I have tried going out, but it doesn't prove successful because i get to the pool hall and chicken out, b/c lets face it who really wants to go out by themself? It is hard for me to just not have anyone to grab dinner with or a movie. Yes, I have my dad...but it's my dad.
I just miss my friends. I have finally isolated myself completely. Virginia was out there, but I had my sis, Matt, and Chris and met ppl through them. Here, I don't have any sort of "connection".