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Jul 07, 2010 23:49

Day 09 - A book you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving

This one was very hard to answer! Because I very rarely pick up books I don't think I would like - even when people recommend something to me, I only really read it when I think I would like it. Even when it comes to required reading - like back at school or uni - I never picked up a book expecting not to like it (or if I did it, I didn't like it in the end). But I had to pick something, so I'm going with the first book of Stieg Larsson's Millenium trilogy.

It fulfills the criterion in so much as I was a bit wary when I started reading it. This book is just so popular, and if we're honest, popular very, very rarely equals quality. So I expected it to be okay at best, but I was really surprised. The first volume does take a bit to get going, but once it does, it ends up as some of the best crime fiction I've ever read, with great characters and a lot of sensible notions about gender and relationships and sexuality. And it's really exciting and suspenseful.
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