
Mar 31, 2009 18:03

I have more than enough reasons to complain about work at the moment, but I won't. Instead, let me tell you about something that happened today:

I was busy in my department, and I had just unpacked a bunch of cooler CDs (White Stripes, Raconteurs, Adam Green) when a mom and her son (who was about ten years old, I guess?) wandered by. She was American and he was half-German, half-American, I'd say. She asked me about the White Stripes CD and afterwards her son asked me whether I knew Adam Green. I said yes, and he told me his mom had met him once for real, in America. His mom was a little embarrassed for him, but I smiled because he was adorable. He then noticed my Watchmen button and asked me whether that was supposed to be blood on the smiley, after touching it. I said yes, and that it was supposed to be from a movie.

Him: (knowingly) Oh, I know. There's a lot of blood in that movie.
Me: (shocked) You've seen it?
Him: No, just the trailer! Why is there blood on the smiley?
Me: Um, the guy who was wearing it fell from a window, that's why.
Him: What, he just accidentally fell from a window? (whistling) Just like that?
Me: Well, he was kinda pushed.
Him: Yeah, and then he returned from the dead and there were robots?
Me: Uh, not really.
Him: What is that movie about, anyway?
Me: (despairing at the prospect of giving a summary of Watchmen to a ten-year old with his mom standing next to him without traumatising him or whatever) Well, it's about these masked vigilantes who can't be vigilantes anymore. And then they fight. [Yeah, I know that's bullshit, but I didn't want to talk about murders and stuff in front of him.]
Him: Have you seen the Three Investigators movie?
Me: No, have you?
Him: No, not yet! But I'll get this cassette.

And then we chatted about Die Drei ??? for a bit, which was fun. At some point his mom told him in English that he shouldn't talk so much and then asked me whether he was talking too much. And sure, he was talking a lot, but he was super polite and cute and funny, so I really didn't mind and said as much.

Mom: Yeah, well, I don't even know him, I just found him at the station and I felt sorry for him.
Him: That't totally not true, I've seen pictures of me as a baby and you were on it, too!
Mom: You want him? You can have him.

Seriously, that was such a fun moment - the boy was so open and friendly, it was absolutely touching. I wish I could be as open again. And I know this is going to sound stupid, but he was like I imagine Dick would have been, aged 10 ;P
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