Jun 17, 2005 22:49
* Days that just seem perfect. Like yesterday. Seemed pretty damn perfect to me. There's something about new life and sunny, perfect weather days that make you smile.
* Shopping at your place of employment. On your day off.
* Getting to talk to old friends.
* Newborn babies and seeing your friend completely changed by having a child.
* Mego Pego...days at work are definitely better when she's there.
* The beach.
* Black and white photography. Just being able to take one gorgeous picture is worth several rolls of mediocre shots.
* Anna Nalick lyrics.
* Dancing around to country music in my room where no one can see how much I look like an idiot.
* My twinnie.
* Singing to the radio in my car...pretending like I actually know how to sing.
* Finding out that my hott guy friend goes to the same gym as I do.
* Loving life, my family, and my friends.
*EDIT ~ 11:25 pm*
Having Matthew call me from Joe's phone. Just randomly...and only a couple of minutes ago. And while I'm on the phone (with them both), I'm thinking...what kind of trouble are they getting themselves into? Haha. LOVE THEM! And their crazy antics.