Traditional+Pop Fusion

Jun 02, 2008 02:31

Hisashiburi... I've been pretty much busy these few weeks because the uni semester is coming to an end and there are loads of essays and exams due. Ahhh~
But I still find time to catch up with the dramas and NEWS updates what-not... *sheepish* But that's it - that leaves me zero time to fangirl like there's no tomorrow on DA and LJ too. Sigh

But I've specially decided to stay up a bit later (on this super-cold, super-foggy night) to introduce some new music.
And nope it isn't our usual J-pop stuff... This is traditional folk music and pop fusion. I was introduced to it by a friend who's learning to play the koto. And whoa, when I gave it a listen... I was amazed.  You'd have to listen to it for yourself first to judge. xD  I promise it won't be a waste of your time. Their music gave me the chills - and that's a sign of really good music.
  The traditional instruments used are the koto, shakuhachi and biwa.  Douzo~ Rin' desu.

This is the song that got me hooked - 紫のゆかり、ふたたび (Murasaki no yukari, futatabi)

image Click to view

Download here:

To be enchanted further, here's another song and the girls actually sing in this. Gahhh, they're so talented! - サクラ サクラ (Sakura Sakura)

image Click to view

Download here:
Without the vocals (This one's even better, for the sake of the music):

And a live performance - Miyabi

image Click to view

Download here:

xDD Tell me what you all think!
I'm sorry, the mp3's of Sakura and Miyabi will be up for downloading by tomorrow. I'm like half-freezing and falling asleep right now. (Is this combination even possible...??) It's madness, it's 4 degrees outside and it's not even winter yet. Brrrr~
Good night!

The download links are up after much hassle on MF. >.< It was giving me a hard time, so I switched to SS.

treat your ears, rin', traditional rocks

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