Feb 17, 2008 17:27
So, I'm new at my job, which means I get the crap shifts that no one wants. That means I get the opening shifts. Some days that means 6 am. Other days that means 4:45 am. I personally don't mind these shifts too much, though it's often difficult to go to bed early enough for the 4:45 shift, especially since those are on the weekend, and I would much rather be out partying until that hour on the weekends. I do, however, like being done with my day by 1 or 2 in the afternoon.
The trouble is this: When I work an opening shift, I stop by the Happy Donuts to get a 16 oz coffee, and I carry in my bag a 24 oz pepsi. Within the first hour, I finish those off, and I buy a redbull because I still don't feel fully awake. Then I move onto water, which is a 24 oz bottle, and I finish off two of those before anyone else even arrives. By this time, I desperately have to pee, and as soon as relief shows, I run to the restroom. I then finish off another bottle of water over the next few hours and fill up once more before I leave, which I finish off on my way home (because I walk home). Even if I wanted to go to bed at a reasonable hour for my next morning shift, I can't because I'm up peeing until 10 or 11 pm.
What am I supposed to do? Swallow tampons to soak up all this moisture that is in my stomach? On the bright side, at least I'm losing weight, and don't seem to be retaining water, but jeez, I have to pee so much.