Pretty Much moved in.
We got all the furniture and big stuff yesterday. Mostly thanks to Shanna hiring some guy who was hanging out in the park to do the brunt of the heavy lifting. Unfortunately I got pretty drunk on NYE, which meant a late start for the last minute packing of dishes and things. According to Shanna, the two awesome lesbians from canada that we met that evening attempted to hook me up with some guy I had pointed out as being my "choice" for the evening. Also, according to Shanna, I talked to him for a while, and after it was established that he was interested, I decided to pass. Whatever.
Anyway, I managed to pull something in my back earlier in the day, and was almost useless for the moving in portion of yesterday's events. Today, we got up at the crack of dawn, though anxiety kept me from sleeping more than 1 or 2 hours, collectively. Dug out some more boxes from the recycling downstairs, and proceeded to pack up the nitpicky things: towels, sheets, books, chatchkes, and some things that I couldn't bear to be without.
Then we took what was left of the foodstuffs, and packed the truck up again.
marnov came over and helped with the unloading, which greatly increased our speed. He didn't stay long, as he had other errands to run, but we relaxed in the back yard (sadly it has become seriously overgrown, and needs a lot of work, before I can start a garden) for a short while.
The previous tenant left the place an utter shambles. garbage in every room, unswept floors, broken window, etc. At least the tub was clean. That was a big plus. We got my bedroom fixed up, and moved the bed and furniture in. There was a problem with the DSL resulting from the previous tenant not paying the SBC bill. We got that resolved and headed out to return the truck.
On the way to the U-Haul place, we stopped by my old apartment to return the vacuum cleaner. Z was there, which made for an awkward moment. Luckily Shanna and another friend of hers were there to cushion the blow. Looks like he's not going to have a place until Feb, and all his stuff will be in storage. He should have let me take the couch. w/e
At the U-haul place the girl at the counter was trying to give someone driving directions from oakland, and she's not a driver, so she asked me if I knew. I got on the phone and told the guy just how to get there. This resulted in her giving us a $.10 per mile discount, and only charged us for one day, instead of two. I used Z's card to pay for the U-Haul anyway, but woot me!
Now, I'm at home (new home) snuggling with the dog. Now to find my jammies. I have nothing to wear to bed, and I've yet to unpack those things. Where were they?
Tomorrow, I needs to get printer ink, and print a slew of resumes, so I can pound some pavement. Then, I'll swing by my old place to pick up a few things that I left.
Things to acquire now: A roommate, a job, a couch, a gym membership, a space-heater, a kitchen table, a new man. Not precisely in that order, but something close.