Obviously it started a couple weeks ago when I got dumped at the beginning of the holiday season, and then dumped on the weekend before the actual holiday, but then it just got worse.
Christmas eve, I stayed at home all day and night, thinking I would preserve my energy for visiting some friends for an orphan's Christmas (the same one I used to go to, before I was "a relationship"). That evening, I got kinda teary, wishing that I had a tree and presents to give, and people to give them to. I spent several hours composing
this Christmas Memory Post.
After I finished that, I started feeling a bit queezy, so I lay down for a while, and around 1 am found myself ejecting what little I had consumed that evening. My fever kept me up until around 6 am. By the time I awoke the next day, around 1 pm, I had developed a sore throat, stuffy nose, and a nasty sinus headache. Merry Christmas to me.
I kept waiting to feel better, so that I could go to the party, but it just got worse, and being that the party is in a house with cats and indoor smokers, I really didn't think it would be a nice environment for me to be sick in. Sadly, I didn't have anyone's phone number, so I couldn't call and say I wouldn't be coming. They had a lot of guests, so I'm sure I wasn't missed, but I didn't want to seem like a flake.
The highlight of the day was that I had forgotten to check the mail the day before, and when I went down, I discovered a card from my mother with a check (for exactly the amount I expected), and a package from
gnumoose, containing The Simpsons' Movie. I played a little WoW and snuggled with the puppy a lot, and then the phone rang.
It was
nurispark calling to tell me about his holiday distractions that had been sub-par. Obviously, to me anything would have been preferable to sitting at home alone watching tv (and It's A Wonderful Life wasn't even on). Still, we ended up talking until nearly midnight, which was fun and distracting, but also put a strain on my already sore vocal chords.
Z showed up while I was talking to Nuri, and I avoided making eye contact. I'm pretty peeved, and I know I have to talk to him at least one more time before all of this is over, but I just couldn't deal with it on Christmas Day. He was here for about half an hour, packing things. He took the car when he left. That's gonna make my life hard over the next few days, but I'll deal. I always used to.
Woke up a bit late this morning. Slept until almost 12, and didn't feel at all better when I woke up. My original plan was to get up early to take Kookie to the park, but without a car, that wasn't possible anyway. Instead, I just got dressed and went to see Jersey Boys (courtesy of
gnumoose. I'm not going to post any spoilers, but I feel that my experience should be noted.
As I am want to do, I left the house early, so that I could be sure to situate myself before too many people arrived, forcing me to climb over lots of laps. I had forgotten that the
gnumoose had originally bought the ticket for himself, and he always sits on the aisle, which meant that my early arrival caused a lot of standing and sitting for me. This would not have been difficult if I had not had such a headache that throbbed each time I moved, but had I not had the headache I would have been able to think clearly enough to remember that it was an aisle seat.
I also forgot to check the location of the seat before I left, and not realizing it was in the balcony, I neglected to bring my opera glasses. Again, not a really big problem (looking through them might have irritated my headache), but I did mistake Joe Pesci for Frankie Valli a few times. A number of Characters are played by the same actors, so I think some of my mistakes were valid, but that one was definitely not.
Being optimistic, I considered who might end up sitting next to me. In descending order from most desireable to least, these are my top three choices: An attractive gay, around my age who also found himself alone this holiday for whatever reason (and perhaps his mother. What? I like mothers), an elderly woman who is "quite pleased to see young people taking an interest in musical theatre and something so historically significant as the story of Frankie Valli," or a younger art student who would comment wittily, though with a degree of naivete, throughout the production.
None of these was the case. Just as the show was about to begin, and I was thinking I might just have two empty seats next to me - and a nice elderly woman on the other side of those - which would have been just as nice, the largest woman to have entered the balcony so far shows up with her equally large and crippled mother, and proceeds to push in past me before I can even get up. As gravity forces her copious bussle of a backside down into the miniscule folding chair a gust of air forces out the scent of the two litre bottle of perfume she is currently donning, and lo! It is the sickeningly reminiscent of sugar cookies.
I began to worry that I would have to leave sometime before the show was over, due to further inflammation of my sinuses. Luckily I only rarely got a whiff, as her large knit scarf seemed to have absorbed most of the fragrance.
The play started out kind of slowly, and without a lot of direction. The first number was completely obliterated by sound issues. Too loud on the music and not enough on the vocals, and a bit of feedback. It wasn't even clear that they were singing in french until the end of the song.
After that, it started to pick up, and the pace increased throughout the entire show, to the point that during the second act I was constantly wondering if I had dozed off and missed a few scenes. This, however, did not happen. I'm pretty good about staying awake through live shows. All in all, it's a fun show, and the music should be familiar to anyone who has ever turned on a radio. The cast was competent, which I rarely say about a production, and some of them were pretty cute...even without the opera glasses.
Afterwards, I headed to the muni, only to discover I had forgotten to bring change, so I slipped into a Walgreens and bought a soda, so that I could change a $20. Went to the Castro on a very busy train. Everyone seemed to know at least one other person on the train that they spoke to around me or over my head. I returned a couple of videos, and stopped by the bank, before getting back on the train to go home. If it had not been so cold, and I had not been so sick I would have stayed and walked around a bit.
I meant to stop by Staples on my way home to purchase ink for my printer, but forgot.
I arrived at home to a disturbing mess on the floor. Kookaburra had somehow gotten my bluetooth handsfree from whatever table it was on, and devoured it completely. There's another thing gone that I can't afford to replace right now. I also found that he had shredded a tissue and a christmas card. Humorously, it was the card from
gnumoose. He must have known that you sent the ticket! He's definitely upset about Z leaving. It doesn't help that I'm out of rawhide bones for him to chew, and I was gonna stop at the petfood store on the way home, but it was too cold to go that far out of the way. Tomorrow, I'll have to.
He curled up with me while I watched The Simpsons' Movie. I fell asleep once and had to go back to the middle again. It was okay, but not what I expected. Then I watched some South Park before getting download happy. Now I'm just listening to the stuff that I downloaded, and dreading that email I have to send to Z.
I am so thankful for Kookaburra. Without him, these nights would be unbearable.