First off, I apologize for not responding to anyone who posted comments in the last week. Life was a bit busy for a while, and it still is, but I'm learning to manage. I like that I am starting to participate in my own life again. It is somewhat limited, my participation, but I have some ideas and motivations, and that is good.
I did a major cleaning of the apartment and it was looking better than it has in months. I was very please with myself. It still looks pretty good, but Jessie has been staying with us again, so the Futon is folded out and whatnot, so it's looking lived in again.
The cleaning was necessary because we were hosting our first Stitch 'N Bitch. It was fun, we had about 5 people show up, and copious knitting ensued. We're having another one next tuesday, and we expect at least two more people. It's nice to get a group of like-minded knitters together. If you had asked me a few months ago to attend an event of this type, I would have laughed and mocked, but I've caught the bug, and there's no turning back.
I got in touch with a few old friends via myspace. I will hopefully be having drinks soon, with a girl that I went to High School with. I also got to see a couple of friends that I haven't spent time with in a while, and even went to see one of them playing a live show in San Jose. I highly recommend that everyone check out,
Whir. Friend them and go to a show. They really are good, and while I realize everyone says that about their friends, I'm confident that they really have a lot of talent, and my judgement is in no way clouded by personal feelings.
For the time being, I'm not able to write for long periods of time. It just isn't flowing like usual, so that's all for now. Rest assured there will be more later.