
Sep 12, 2006 13:26

01. Your name plus a Y.
Vincentey, ha.

02. Two feelings at the moment?
Tired and Sick (catching a cold)

03. What are you listening to right now?
Grandaddy - Guide Down Denied

04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind?
"When I wake up early in the morning, rest my head I'm still yawning....."

05. Last person you hugged?

06. The highlight of your week?
Still waiting for it.

07. What are you craving to have right now?

08. Any unforgettable childhood memories?
A lot! Major one is this, playing hide and seek with my friends in the town I used to live in Mexico, Roy was hiding behind a house and fell into a water well. He said he felt a cow down there... Later the owners of the well got the cow out, it was dead.

09. Any not-so-good childhood memories?
Getting stung by a scorpion

10. What are your nicknames?
Vince, and Jr, I think.

11. Your plans for tomorrow?

12. Your plans for today?

13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
Mah beh-beh

14. Do You Think Someone is thinking of you?
Hmm, maybe.. If they are, they should at least text/call.

15. Do You Have A Job?
(relay loves me!)

16. Are you single?

17. Say something to the person who posted this before?
your answers are depressing!

18. What do you want?
move forward, have fun, etc.

19. Are you happy?
Most of the time yes

20. Do you like anyone?
I like Lamp.
(I like crystal too)

21. Do you miss anyone right now?
Crystal, step right up!

22. Describe where you are right now?
My room, computer desk, computer chair, bed, entertainment center, ceiling fan, tv, dvd, vcr, stereo, closet, clothes, drawers, mirror, window, fan, etc.

23. What do you like about the night?
shooting stars, moonlight, headlights, noises, wind.

24. If you were on a farm what would you want to see?
Dinosaurs, Triceratops

25. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A thief

26. Last gift received?
OBEY t-shirt!
Thx babe!

27. Did you like it?

28. Do you play an instrument?

29. Favorite band?

30. Your good luck charm?
don't have one.

31. Person you hate most?
Hate is too much, I just dislike.

32. Who makes you laugh the most?
Deaf People

33. What makes you smile?

Finish the sentence

2. I am listening to...
The Medusas!

3. Maybe I should...
do my homework.

4. I love...
it when we hug/ hardcore!

5. My best friend(s)..
are pretty fucking cool!

6. I don't understand...
life sometimes, but i'm sure i'll get by.

7. I lost...
A lot of emotions.

8. People say...
when in rome.

9. The meaning of my screen name is..
im smokin hot. duh.

10. Love is...
hurts like a motherfucker! But when you know you found the one all that goes away then it's the best.

11. Somewhere is...
a place where I want to be right now.

12. I will always...
be around no matter what.

13. Forever seems...
like a long time, but when you look back it doesn't seem like it.

14. I never ever want to...
hurt anyone.

15. My cell phone...
is a ROKR!

16. When I woke up this morning...
it was 4:50 a.m. Led Zeppelin was playing on the radio.

17. I get annoyed when...
people stare.

18. Parties are...
rarely fun.

19. My pet(s)...
are probably dead now.

20. Kisses are the best when...
your body starts to get hot.

21. Today is...
tuesday and it sucks already.

22. Tomorrow is...
going to be busy!

23. Yesterday I...
was so fucking tired.

24. I really want....
some ice cream
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