The Musical

Mar 27, 2009 09:45

So the stage lights were installed on Wednesday. This is a plus because stage lights are nonexistant here at BC. We had to have a special outlet installed to handle the load of our lights too. That was of course tied into the fuse box that contains the fuses for our server room. Having taped off the fuses for the server room, I figured we'd be ok.

Well, if there is potential for something to go wrong, it will. Isn't that a scientific law of some sort?

Well, turns out that the fuses that we were toms were for my lights were actually one of the server room fuses. It was unmarked of course and when we left rehearsal, those fuses were natirally turned off. This would prevent the students from deciding to play with my stage lights while they had study hall in the auditorium.

Like I said, one fuse was for the server room. The air conditioning in the server room, none the less. By time I realized there was something wrong, the server room was already 112 degrees. The only reason I noticed something was wrong was because people started complaining that their email wasn't working. Well, it turns out that the server room got so hot that the RAID controller on the mail server melted. It actually melted.

I think the mail server is fine now though. My boss is awesome at fixing major problems.

Anyway, in the time that it took my boss and his boss to get to the server room to check the damage, they wete alteady blaming everyone and their mom about who did this. It was all the musical's fault my boss kept saying and that we'd have to pay or the damage.

Clearly, he is a bit childish because he threw a bitch fit to everyone e saw for the next 2 hours. I, of course hid some where out of the office and quite possibly in another building.

Anyway, that was my day yesterday.

-- Posted from my iPhone
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