(no subject)

Feb 14, 2005 07:54

Just for the record, I hate Velentine's Day. It doesn't matter if I have someone to spend it with or not. I still hate it.

Damn depressing day. Too many people are just really sad. It's depressing.

I do like the little hearts with words on them. They're cute. I always save the best ones for my sweetie. This day hasn't been bad although some random person sent me a chocolate heart. Scares me.

I hope the person isn't fat. Noone likes a fattie. *looks at door. Speaking of fatties*

I'm horrible.


This weekend wasn't horribly exciting but I had alot of fun because I was with Rob all weekend. Friday night, I just went over to Rob's after work and we hung out. I spent the night. I love just being with him. I love falling asleep with him being there. I just want to touch him all the time. I love him sooooo much.

Now I understand why the single people hate today so much. It's because of people like me. :) I love it. And I feel sorry for people at the same time.

Anyway. We got up on Saturday morning and had to take his car over to his parent's house. He hasn't had any brakes for like a week now. I was really hoping that'd get fixed so I didn't have to haul his ass around so much anymore. Just kidding boo. I don't mind at all.

I just sat in his parent's living room with the laptop and the TV. I played Red Alert for about an hour then I saw that 7th Heaven was on so I watched it. It was really good. It made me cry.

It was the one where Matt gets in trouble for taking the car without permission and Annie goes to Arizona to see her parents. Well, Annie and her parents end up coming back that same night and Grandpa and Grandma get to see everyone but it's too late to just hang out so everyone goes to bed.

The next morning Annie wakes up to her mom kissing her cheek and then she says, "I love you Annie, but I have to go." Yeah, she died.

I cried. It was sad. Right in the middle of Rob's parent's living room. I cried. Good thing noone was around. Then I went outside and forgot all about it until now. Hrmm. It was sad

Then I saw the MadTV was on and I watched it. Mo Collins happened to be in this episode. She was playing the "Ma" lady. She was in Vegas and went to a buffet. She was just being herself. She ate a jalopeno pepper and starting cramming lettuce and then jell-o and then just water in her mouth it was humorous.

Finally, Rob came inside and said that we were leaving. His car wasn't even close to being done. Sadness. He misses his car. It's tragic. We'll all get over it though, right? God only hopes.

Speaking of higher beings that don't really exist, I saw this girl today. She has a shirt on and it had a picture of Jesus on it and it said, "Got Jesus." How funny is that?

I love it. I want it.

Saturday night alot of fun. Rob and I took a nap when we got back to his house. I only wanted to sleep for like an hour or so and I did. I got up and tried to get Rob up but he just grunted at me. So I got up and took a shower and such. Watched alittle bit of TV. I really wanted Rob to get up so I went in there and set my alarm on my phone and he eventually got up. I'm evil.

About 9, I started making a couple CD's and we went and got Amber. We then went out driving and got completely lost. It was sooooo much fun. I miss doing that kind of stuff. I want to go street sign steeling sometime again but noone ever wants to go with me. It's sad. They're missing out on alot of fun. Bitches.

Rob and I came back to his house after dropping off Amber. We watched The Cell. That's a really good movies. We finally watched Matrix Revolutions on Friday night since I only owned the first two and then I finally bought the 3rd one. It's good. I like it.

We got up on Sunday and got ready and went up to the Ohio Expo Center and walked around at the Model Train Show. It was alot of fun. We saw this huge!! huge!! Lego Train Set! It was totally awesome. I sooooooo want a Lego train set. Or a Lionel train set.

I tried to win one on eBay last night but I lost. I didn't want to pay anymore than $50. It ended up going for like $106 or something obnoxious like that.


I went home at some point yesterday. I really hate being at home. Everyone is soooooo negative and pissed off. It's like a requirement to go into that house. Must be pissed at the world to be here. We need that sign on our front door. They're all bastards. I found Kaitlin's damn giftcard finally last night. Now mom can stop bitching at me for it. Stupid bitch.

She pisses me off. She's in such a good mood and then all of a sudden she goes into bitch hyperdrive. It's like she has nothing better to do than to be bitchy. Then again, she does live with my father and that could make anyone bitchy.

And then Kaitlin is just stupid. Like this morning, "I go into the bathroom to take a shower and she like jumps out of her room and screams, "Hi Jay!!!!." And then she does some stupid little wave. Honestly, what a dumbass.

Jesus I'm in a bad mood. God help the person who pisses me off today.

I'm soooo bored. And I'm falling asleep just sitting here. It sucks. I hate being this tired at school. I even went to bed at a decent time last night and I'm still tired.

I hate school.

Mainly because of senior paper but none the less, I hate high school.

Everything can just piss off. Except Rob and select few other people. If I have been nice to you in the past 24 hours, it's still okay for you to talk to me today. Yes. Yes it is. :)

Well, guys, I'm going back to my boring life. Later.

FUCK LANCASTER HIGH SCHOOL. Maybe it'll implode over night. We can only hope.

Quote From Lindsay Lohan:
(Why? Because I want to. Gosh!)
"Life is a work of art.
You gotta paint it colorful.
You can make it anything your want,
Don't hafta to stick to any rules.
You don't need a high IQ to succeed in what you do.
You just gotta have no doubt, just believe in yourself."

I like that quote. Yeah. It's good.

Love you guys! I love Rob more though! :) Love you Boo.
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