Jan 22, 2005 20:03
Friday was pretty fun. I went into BK around 930 and i got to see Kevin, Timmy, Matt, Lindsay, and Robbie who actually came with me to the dome. Fun stuff. Robbie of course was making fun of me the whole time because i'm crppled and was laughing at the fact that if the ball came as my face i would not be able to crutch out of the way. What i nice guy. Then Matty did good in goal. Pretty redicious calls but hey that's life.
Saturday i got up for work at 7. Me and Robbie made hearts to decorate the store. It was very fun. That was pretty much the entire morning. After work me and Robbie went out to get some balloons and a helium tank for John. So we went to get money then went back to pick up John. We got the tank at IParty and of course the second we got it in the car john opened it and filled a balloon so he could talk funny. It was pretty funny. Gutta love that kid. Well it was fun. Now it is snowing like hell. AHH!
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