omg randi. i know what we mean. it's like withdrawal syndrom. OMG I HAVE A FUNNY STORY dont let me forget. either way, we're hanging out sometime ASAP and maybe we can go on a zillion random adventures.
wait...everything we DO is a random adventure. YAY I CANT WAIT
wait. what was the FUNNY STORY? did u tell me??? there were so many stories...and of course our adventures were random. haha. my phone stopped vibrating. but now the screen is all dark. like u can baaaarely see anthing at all. i hope it gets better. but anyways. ill be there tonight. so dont leave without me!! 830
omg i dont remember the story i was going to tell you, but i have a slight feeling i ended up telling you. actually i think it was about our goal to beat brittany, which i told you all about. OMG we have to randomly adventure more often! i love it. oooooh fun tonight fun fun fun. how was nacho libre? good i hope. anyways i think something delicious! and it has to do w/someone, who i thinkkkkk may have a secret crush on you! ooooh!!
WHAT??!!?!?!! who has a secret crush on me????? i wanna know. i love secrets. lol. i met the cutesttttttt boy ever today!! he is gunna be a freshman at memphis. and he is majoring in biology and going to medical school (same thing im doing) and he lives in brighton (brighton is like 10 mins from munford!!! my hometown of course). he is sooooo cute. and he is in my group for orientation. so i will c him again tomorrow. and i am such a great stalker that i already found his myspace. and i was talkin to the group of guys we were walkin with. and he asked if any of them were in room ### (i dont remember which room he was in but he wanted to know if any of them were his roommate for the night) and they were like no. sorry. and then kinda quietly i was like i am... and he was like whatd u say??? and i was like NOTHING!!! i said im in that room... and he was like really?!?! all excited and i was like o. no. sorry. i was joking. and he was like o ok. during all this we were walking so i was looking straight ahead and couldnt c his face. and
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wait...everything we DO is a random adventure. YAY I CANT WAIT
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