Oct 31, 2005 13:59
I should just go into business for myself. Start a brand new exciting company that everyone wants to be a part of. Sure...it'll take alot of money and time at first, which I don't have(the money part anyway, my free time is overabundant, if that's a word) but, I feel lke I have no other choice. No one pays good, no one has good hours, and no one wants to hire someone who won't happily accept what they want to give! ugh. I could color pages and then rip them from the book and sell them on ebay..saying Elvis or Madonna ACTUALLY COLORED THIS PICTURE OF CINDERELLA 30 YEARS AGO!! And maybe even forge a signature. I wonder if anyone would go for that. One of my problems is that I don't make the most of my time. I prettymuch decided that I don't want to work anywhere around where I live..so I haven't made an effort. I read, or write, or even go to my friends house for the day...then come home sleep and do that again. Today...I changed my routine a bit. I went to barnes and noble and asked for an application. Unfortunately...they aren't the picky ones..I AM!! I wonder if that's costing me a job. If I changed my mind and decided I wanted to work nights instead of mornings, and applied...I could probably get the job. So why don't I? It's a paycheck!! I can't though. It would get like panera and I would have no time for anybody that I care about. I would sit around the house during the day..then go to work when they get home from school..and I would wind up working the nights they had off. So...I want a morning/afternoon job. Is that really a bad thing? I dont think it is. I would love you for any ideas, prayer and/or encouragement :).