Dec 30, 2006 16:43
I bought lingerie today. ^.^ Pink and orange lace, almost-but-not-quite corset, and black boy shorts.
I hope Evan likeees them. Heheh. Maybe I'll post pictures.
I also bought a new hardwood cover journal and a mini calligraphy set. Yay!
And Evan got me a Lynyrd Skynard beanie. EEEEE. YumYumYum.
I so happy.
Evan's here. I missed Evan. I got to see Katie yesterday AND today, too. I missed her alot as well. I missed all of my friends. But I'm home now. And I'm planning on cleaning my room. Riiiight NOW.
*waves baibai and toddles off to clean* (*and get changed into lingerie*)
(I'm on Evan's laptop!)