Mar 30, 2005 05:35
Help me out ladies and gentlemen, please just help me out.
Ok, I've been holding onto this question long enough in my head. 5 years ago it entered my head and I never felt I needed to bring it up, but I have to now.
Online personal surveys... I can understand them, I see where people are going with them, I don't even mind the people ask me to pass them on (however I don't pass them on.) I've even filled out a few of these bad boys myself just to feel like someone out there might care and a few people did... it was alright. As much as I would like to question some of the things it asks you to comment on, I'll let it slide, people just want to be creative right? Asking things like "number of candles on your last birthday cake LOLOL!!!!11" or saying "what are you hearing?" instead of just saying "what the hell is in your cd player?"
alright alright, so my question... can someone please explain to me and the rest of the world why online surveys have this question in them all too often and what they actually say about a person when they answer it?
"Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry?"
Damn, I mean it's one thing to ask someone something so personal, but then to not give the person a space for detail if they care to explain it is absolutley beyond me. It seems kind of shady. All it seems to create is questions in the heads of those reading it some of which are thinking "I wonder who they are talking about, wow this person is deep, I think I'm going post comments everywhere." While the person who put "yes" down under it is sitting there thinking "I wonder if the person I like will read this and think that I mean them because I'm so shallow that I would waste tears on someone who I might have a crush on and state that it's love." It follows the same basic principles as what I posted a few months ago on how people put deep mysterious lines on really short LJ posts and everyone swarms to the comment section like heroine addicts to a crashed police van carrying all the drug seizures from the past 2 months in the city.
Ok, I just realized I answered my own question, but I'm not done.
From the outside, it seems like such a thoughtful survey question, but with a closer look it appears to be from a thoughtless mind which was probably first inspired by some 13 year old girl who thought she was being deep when she was trying to write a survey and she remembered her bestfriend crying over the fact she just broke up with her boyfriend of 9 days. If I ever cried about someone because I loved them a lot it either mean they died, or that I'm an idiot for being sad someone loves me.
Which reminds me how vague that question is. Does it mean loved someone so much that when something happened to them you cried? Or Loved someone so much that when they broke up with you you cried? Or you loved someone so much that you won't leave an abusive relationship because you love them so much and would rather cry? Or is it saying that you seriously loved someone so much that something ruptured in your internal organs that you really had to take a moment and cry? What kind of crying anyway? When I think of Love I think of something of Joy, so are we talking joy tears or sad tears? Sure love can do both, but this survey question is packing too much to make sense. It's so open ended that I could even replace "loved someone" with "ate a sandwich" and it would make as much sense... Observe.
"have you ever ate a sandwich so much that it made you cry?"
Now you look at that and tell me it's not stupid. how about...
"have you ever done something that was so awesome that it made you cry for some reason even though it was the best thing ever?"
Maybe you think I'm reading into this too much, but it's things like this that people call "small" or "not a big deal" that are the root of so many problems people create in the shadows of their heads when online. You may laugh it off and say it's not a big deal and, in support of that view, by itself the stupid question isn't a big deal. But there is a whole mess of superficiallity out there in the form of things much like this survey question that creates a web that people get stuck in. And when stuck in that web people yell "hey look at me!" as loud as they can through instant messaging, email and other online communications only to be heard in a way they don't want to be heard as their schemes clash with real life.
Thanks for nothing online survey question...
I haven't been this pissed online since the B.o.N.E. days. I didn't even know this was going to happen to me from bringing this up.