Mar 10, 2005 03:38
I'm going to bed, and it's 3:40 am.
I had quite an explanation for this poem a second ago, no at 3:40, but now it's 4:30. After reading the poem over twice I changed a few things and I think it speaks better for itself now than I ever could for it.
Only To Me - Spring 2003
Under this tree I’m staring up at a full moon
Through branches of white flowers
Moonlight breaches through the breaks in the canopy
Casting vivid shadows all around me
Upon a carpet of freshly cut grass
Looking up, every blossom is distinctly outlined
Illuminated by the moon above
The wind begins to blow gently through the mid-spring night
Breathing through the tree
It’s all I hear
I feel a slight chill
But as the current drifts by I smell the cherry blossoms
And I forget everything
Soft pedals float down slowly every second
Fluttering and flashing in the light of the moon
The sky above lay open with stars
And the contour of the few clouds amidst them
Make all their curves and crevices vivid upon themselves
It rained a while ago, maybe 5 hours or so
It dried up mostly except for the cracks in the concrete
On the empty street near by
And small pools formed inside flowers, upon the web of branches
Every time the wind picks up more pedals flutter down
Falling along side droplets of water
Landing on my forehead, trailing down my face
Carrying the fragrance of the blossoms with them
I love spring.