Follows the same format as
this last post.
1. Post a comment. It can be with your character journal if you don't have a personal account, but all of these confessions are OOC as muns.
2. Confess something in reply to someone's comment. It could be anything; something meaningful, something silly, just anything you'd like to tell that mun.
3. It doesn't have to be anonymous--it could be out in the open.
Note: You can also post a confession comment itself. You don't have to write who you address it to, though it might help if you want to talk to them.
Please avoid wank, and this is all OOC.
Note 2: If I catch anyone causing wank or being needlessly spiteful, heads will roll. Try to take any less than pleasing remarks with a grain of salt, but also remember to be respectful. If you want wank, go to the rp anon meme.