It didn't make sense. 004 was standing in a plaza, surrounded by mismatched architecture in varying states of age. How had he- no, wait. 001 had transported them all out of the city before they were crushed. They'd been dropped into the sea, and then he was inexplicably here, standing in this plaza of sorts, alone. Not to mention still soaked in
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"Excuse me," she called out quietly, brushing a lock of her long blonde hair back, making a note to tuck it into her braid later.
"Who are you?"
"You can call me 004."
"You're in the City, as I'm sure you've wondered. It doesn't appear to have any other name besides that."
"Mm. I was told as much."
Almost as an afterthought, he went on, looking at her a little more directly. "Have you seen anyone else around here who wears this uniform?" He gestured vaguely to his red and yellow outfit.
"N-no...I've never seen anything like it before." Emeraude shook her head, offering him a sympathetic expression. "Your circumstances of arrival must have been a bit confusing, I expect."
My circumstances of arrival, huh? He shrugged, but broke eye contact. It wasn't so much arriving in this place as the events that had already passed before his arrival that bothered him. That he was apparently stuck here now and cut off from his friends only made that a little worse.
"Things could be worse."
"I suppose that's true."
"If you'll excuse me, then."
He nodded again, this time in more of a goodbye. "See you around, Emeraude." He turned to leave.
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