Mark Morford wrote an article titled
The Bible's All Wrong, Again .
I couldn't help but send him an email response (there is no online commenting, gee, I wonder why?)
The Bible's All Wrong, Again
But not as wrong as you are.
I am sure my comments will never see the light of day (other than on my own blog) but it needs to be said.
You sir, are an idiot of the worst order. To sneer at Christians with your "I know better than you do" attitude is a profound exercise in hubris.
Claiming that The Bible is all wrong because of the "Gospel of Judas" would be like claiming that SFGate is all wrong because of something written in this email, or the Weekly World News. Or, it would be like saying The Bible is all wrong because some wanna be intellectual at SF Gate wrote an article saying it was so.
Just because it is written down somewhere by some person doesn't make it true. Just because it was believed by a group of people does not make it true. Or maybe David Koresh really was the reincarnation of Christ. He did write down and preach and record that this was the case. He had a group of people who believed it.
Or maybe the Easter Bunny is real, because hey, there are stories written about it and kids believe in it. Or, since I am writing this down, you are a moron, because it has now been written and I assure you there are plenty of people who will believe it.
If you're going to attack something, at least do it from a reasonably justifiable stand point. It is obvious that you dislike (though I would suspect you more likely hate) Christianity and all that it stands for, but why not just come out and say it. In your opinion, and that's all it is, it is false. Well, great, bully for you. But don't try to pretend that some random ancient document proves anything about the validity or invalidity of The Bible.
Jason Goldsmith
San Jose
I highly doubt I will get any response, but when someone is this much of a screaming idiot, something needs be said. If you happen to see this reprinted on SF Gate, let me know. As a side note, one of the nicknames for the local newpaper he is also published in is The San Francisco Comical. Needless to say, the paper, and the content therein should not be taken too seriously.
Comment on this at my blog.