May 09, 2006 20:46
First of all, go Mavs. I had no idea how much of my sports happiness was invested in this team until they lost their first game of the playoffs Sunday to the hated Spurs. I was quite the unhappy person. Honestly though, a series doesn't really start till a team loses at home. However, I don't like Dallas' chances if they lose tonight.
In other sporting news, the Red Sox are kickin' the Yankees' ass in the Bronx. Josh Beckett still owns the pinstripes. 11-3 Boston in the 8th.
I saw Mission: Impossible III twice over the weekend. It's really good. I was annoyed a little by Cruise's usual overacting at some points, but for the most part I still enjoy is movies. M:i:III is much better than the second installment in the franchise, while at least as good as the first one... which I really loved. The storyline and espionage aspect of the first M:I was probably better since we got to see a lot more planing for the missions, but the action is so awesome in the new one I didn't really care. It does what it's supposed to do, and that is entertain. Great start to the summer movie schedule. Now let's see if everything else can live up. (Note: I doubt it.)
Which brings me to my next little nugget of entertainment. While watching the movie for the second time, I decided to get up for a little snack during the movie (since I had already seen it.) My "group" was sitting to the right side of the isle, with me at the end of the group exactly 4 seats from the end. At the end of the isle was a couple, mid 40s-ish. To my left were the other 3 in my party with about 15 other seats to the left of them, mostly filled. Here's a chart if I've lost you:
Legend: X = unimportant carbon-based human, [ ] = empty seat, P = a member of my party, me = myself & I, W = wife of culprit, C = culprit.
[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [P] [P] [P] [me] [ ] [ ] [W] [C]
Of course, to the left of my party is a guesstimate number, but we were obviously much further toward the right of the isle. There could have been some mixed in empty seats to the left as well, but it was as pretty full showing.
Now, I make it out ot the concession stand and pick myself op some tasty Sour Patch Kids and make my way back to the theater. When I arrive at my isle the mexican gentleman (his race is not important to me, but I am trying to paint as picture here) is stretched out where I can not possibly pass without causing a stir.
So... I wait.
Nothing. I assume he's really into Tom Cruise and explosions...
"Excuse me, sir..."
Then, things turned really weird as he replies sternly... "Why don't you go around?!"
Why don't you go around? Is he kidding? He wants me to cross 15-20 people as opposed to he and his fatass wife? I didn't even think for a second before I just shrugged, Sour Patch Kids in hand, and charged straight over them back to my seat stepping on anything in the way. This resulted in some more-than-mean looks and calls of "YOU'RE STOOPEED! YOU'RE SOOPEED!!" I replied with something like "I said excuse me!" I was so angry at that point that I could barely concentrate on the movie.
After the credits rolled, I looked over to see the couple leaving the theater while the rather large man made threatening stares at me. I said loudly to my friends something like "I wonder if the all mighty keeper of the isle will let us pass?" This resulted in some meaner stares.
After it was all over I was wondering how I could have handled the situation better. Honestly, if I had it to do over again, I probably would have just gone the other way like he requested. I asked my dad about it since I consider him one of the wisest people I know, and even he reassured me that the guy was being unreasonable. However, he said I should not be forced to go all the way around when I paid the same amount for a ticket as he did. My dad said he would have just said "sir, do I need to go get the manager?" I would argue that given this guy's state of mind, even that response would have gotten angered him. My dad said that sometimes you just can't avoid confrontation, no matter how reasonable you might approach a situation. He added that you can never tell what a person has been dealing with before their interaction with you. Sometimes emotions are carried over into the next situation. This is true, but that doesn't excuse a person in my book.
The really odd thing is we hadn't even passed over them once since the movie started aside from my cousin joining us like a couple of minutes late. It wasn't like we were constantly interrupting their movie experience. It was just plain irrational on his part. Either way, I realize I could have handled the situation better, but I also could have handled it a lot worse.
Life's lessons.
crazy people at the movie theater,
dallas mavericks basketball,
mission: impossible iii,
red sox baseball