Dec 26, 2009 01:28

Merry (late) Christmas!!!

I know this post is a wee bit later in the day that I hope for it to be, but its still Christmas where I am so... I hope that you all like your gifts. If I created something just utterly disgusting for you, please do not hesitate to grumble. I tried my best the first time around, and I'll be happy to redo anything you do not like. Just try to be polite about it. Please? I was initially going to make 5 things a piece for each of you, but I never expected thirty of you to respond. So I bumped the gift amount down to two; one icon and one larger graphic.

And (Anne) lovely_treasure, your new layout code (along with header) is under the code inside a text area. You can copy and paste it from there. The layout style is Flexible Squares. You must credit palebird for the layout though. I just added the header image coding to it so that the header would show up. If you don't like the colors, that's cool. I can look for another one. I included a friends only banner and icon to match the header as well. I hope you like it.

****if you didn't respond to either of my two interest request posts, I didn't make you anything, but I'd be happy to if you want to reply here with something of interest for you and what you'd like***













ladyjudithanne HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TOO!!!


check out the layout: untapds_test

style-flexible squares (don't forget this part) credit: palebird (layout)

/* layout: Palebird
theme: S2 Flexible Squares
title: empty spaces (v2) */

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ADD HEADER IMAGE [ edit the width, height and header url ]
.headerimage {position: relative; margin: auto; width: 620px; height: 350px;
background: url(http://i45.tinypic.com/hrhlr8.jpg) no-repeat;}


















& graphics, graphics: icons, graphics: friends only banners, graphics: lovebars, merry christmas: friends list

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