Title: Just A Kiss
Author: untapdtreasure
Rating: T
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Summary: There were no unwritten rules to keep them apart now, but will it be that simple?
Spoilers: Anything up to Loyalty. Takes place before Season 10.
A/N: The fic is a song title, but this is NOT a songfic. I hope you enjoy. As always, please read & review.
(read it here) Title: My List of Things To Do Today
Author: untapdtreasure
Rating: T
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Summary: PWP; Bobby decides to help Alex rinse her hair in the shower. What more does this Major Case Detective have on his mind?
A/N: inspired by the picture prompt that Vicki left at my livejournal. I hope I did it justice.
(read it here) THREE DRABBLES:
winter holiday:
Title: Holidays With the Eames Clan
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren/Eames
Words: 117
A/N: written for the 'holiday holiday' prompt at lawandorder100. I went over the word amount by 17 words, but I figure that's okay seeing as I'm not around much lately. Right?
(read it here) pack:
Title: New Beginnings
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: implied Goren/Eames
Words: 64
A/N: this was written for the 'pack' prompt at lawandorder100. the events of this drabble can take place anytime after Blindspot.
(read it here) music:
Title: For the Baby
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Words: 82
A/N: This was written for the 'music' prompt at lawandorder100. It's really late in posting, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
(read it here)