hello, friends! I wanted to do something a little special for you. I want to make icons of what you want! They can be on any subject, person, tv show, etc... It's totally up to you.
So here is what you do...
1. you must submit images (i will not go searching the internet and find them. i want to give you what you want and not what i search google)
2. you may only submit 5 images
3. all icons made from this request post will be sharable unless personalized just for you with your username or name
4. do NOT hotlink the images you submit to this post. you may link me to them intead of submitting them in image form but please right click then save as and upload them to some place free like tiny pic or photobucket or imageshack. it is best that you right click, save as, and upload in case the link is dead when i get to the request.
5. any subject, person, tv show, etc goes
6. if you have a specific text/words you'd like on your icon, please be sure to submit that as well.
comments are not screened
and happy birthday (belated, i know :fail),
sipman because I missed your birthday, you get and extra 3 icons :).