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Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 22 2009, 00:37:16 UTC
Aniki! This is bad! This is really, really bad! You have to call me back!


[call back] untanglesknots September 22 2009, 01:15:27 UTC
What did you do now, aru?!


Audio conversation | Korean pun here inventedknots September 22 2009, 04:54:59 UTC
Hey, why do you suspect me? I didn't do anythi-- That's not important! This is terrible! I don't know what to do! The the wind, aniki, the wind! It blew off my hat! Oh my gaht!

[ After a pause, he bursts out laughing ]

Got you! I really got you, didn't I?


[Whee audio~] untanglesknots September 22 2009, 05:00:36 UTC
The wind? Wait, what--your hat? What happened--

[Pause. Sigh.]

Very funny, aru!!

[Hang up!]


1/China's entire voicemail | Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 23 2009, 18:50:59 UTC
Anikiiiii! Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!

I know you're there!

Aniki! Hey, aniki?


Aniki! Aniki! Aniki! Ani--

[ The voicemail cuts him off ]


2/China's entire voicemail | Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 23 2009, 18:54:02 UTC
Aniki, this isn't funny! I'm really trying to call you back!

Call me back -- it's Korea!


3/China's entire voicemail | Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 23 2009, 18:54:59 UTC
I know aniki is super jealous that Korean jokes are funnier than Chinese jokes but this is really cruel!

Unless...aniki is waiting for me tell more! Okay! What sound does bread make when you throw it at a wall?

...Do you know? Do you know? I bet you don't! I bet you didn't see this coming, it sounds like--

[ The voicemail cuts him off here ]


15/China's entire voicemail | Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 23 2009, 18:55:20 UTC
Aniki, you didn't call me back so I went over to your house and mixed in all the salt with sugar and the sugar with salt!

Huh, that's funny... I don't remember touching the salt at all...

Anyway, take that!


16/China's entire voicemail | Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 23 2009, 18:56:19 UTC
Anikiiiiiiii! It wasn't salt, it was your grounded white pepper! Whoops!


27/China's entire voicemail | Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 23 2009, 18:56:52 UTC
Hey aniki, can I come to your park today? I didn't get to do anything fun at your house earlier! Oh, you're not mad about the pepper still, are you? I knew you wouldn't be, I'm your favorite little brother! Changing the subject completely, the answer to that joke was "bbang"! Bread is bbang! Get it? Did you get it?

[ He's laughing hysterically until the voicemail cuts him off ]


39/China's entire voicemail | Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 23 2009, 18:57:20 UTC
[ Korea breathes until the voicemail cuts him off ]


CHINA'S INBOX IS OFFICIALL SPAMMED FULL | Audio | Left as a voicemail inventedknots September 23 2009, 18:59:02 UTC
By the way, Japan is saying weird things. You can't let him touch your breasts or he says he'll make them explode! You know, I can make aniki's breasts explode with passion! Would you like that, aniki?


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