WOW talk

Feb 03, 2006 13:26

So lets see where do i begin?

For starters I am Lomogan, First Private of the Gaurdians of Stormwind. LVL 23 Paladin with Smithing and Mining of 135. My Seal of Rightousness procs, doing massive DPS. Speaking of DPS, my Maul of the Bear has a DPS of 10.6, I just recently finished doing quests to forge my Legendary Two handed Mace that has massive DPS of 29.6 along with BUffs to my stamina, intellegence, and Spirit.

If no one knows what im talking about, thats fine im just a big WOW dork. WOW= World of Warcraft...

Peace and Love

no reason to write all this down, i just needed to do soemthignt o past the time......
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