Daily Fic Rec: Full Circle by kateydidnt

Mar 18, 2009 18:02

Story: Full Circle
Author: kateydidn
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor, Ocs, Jack Harkness
Warnings: Only if a woman giving birth upsets you.
Author's Summary: This isn't where or when the Doctor expected to be, but it turns out, it was where he needed to be.

Why did you start reading this fic in the first place: The author is a friend of mine from another fandom board.

What kept you reading it all the way through to the end: Just this sense of not only Ten's life but of Jack's too coming full circle.

Why do you think this fic deserves to be sung about:

Because it's a very good story and is part of a brilliant overall story arc.

jack harkness, tenth doctor, daily fic rec

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