My paid account for this journal has expired, so...!
After roughly 5 faithful years of service, I am discountinuing the use of
unsung and starting anew with
agentfriday. I haven't worked out all of the bugs quite yet with my new journal's layout, since I can't seem to properly set the skip forward and skip backward link commands at the bottom of my recent entries page and rassum frassum frassum!
Oh, where was I...
Anyway, over the next week or so I'll be closing up shop and getting
agentfriday up and running. :) This means that I'll be removing all friends from my list on this account eventually for reasons relating to closure. I personally get annoyed when a friend opted for a new journal, and left me friended on their old one even though they never wrote in it again. It just feels like loose ends aren't tied up, you know? :)
But fear not!
In the same vein, I'm working on adding some of
you guys to my list over at
agentfriday. Currently I'm only adding people who I am friends with (in person and through LJ), or people whose journals I enjoy reading and share mutal interests with. If I don't add you straight away, it's most likely because you've wandered off into oblivion, or I'm not positive you care to follow this journal for whatever reason there may be. If I'm wrong about that and you're paying attention, feel free to add me first and I'll add you right back.
Thanks, see you on the other side!
Final Snapshot of
Date created: May 5, 2001 at 1:32PM
Journal entries: 1,436
Comments: 5,990 posted, 7,615 received
Not a bad run at all. ;)