
May 11, 2011 01:15

Meet Erin Sullivan <3. She is your all-around girl next door. Sweet, lovable, naive... and the founder for this legacy.

Poor girl.

Erin: Hmmm?
 Nothing... Nothing.

Seriously though, I'm in love with this one. She's just so... wholesome.

Like any founder, she begins her journey with video games and general loafing. Her lifetime wish is to have the perfect garden, so jobs, simoleans and professions just don't interest her.

However, you can't just support yourself on gardening... well, you can... but in order to do dedicate her life to cultivating perfection, she must find a partner who will support her lifetime wish.

She found the local crime. Clearly, the elderly run this town. They hang out in gangs and beat up kids who walk on their lawn.

The local talent are simply professionals at naval gazing.
Erin: Um. Nope.

With nothing better to do, she joins the nearby protest.

Erin: Down with astronauts! They are polluting space!!

I love the faces sims make when they protest.


Hey... a male, who cares about the demise of astronauts. Hmmm.

Erin: Hey, I see we both dislike the space exploration plan. Do you like movies?
Tall, dark and handsom...ish: ....
Random Teenager: Down with friggen' Space!

Poor Erin is trying to have a conversation in the middle of a protest. Bless her.

Erin: Does your significant other dislike space exploration too?
TDHish: .....*is this chick for real?*
Random teenager: The moonwalking was a fake! A lie!
Random lady: Astronaut suits are ugly!!

Erin: what are your thoughts on blood diamonds?
TDHish: ...*she's kind of hot*
Random Teenager: Fer chrissakes... this is a riot... not a blind date. *stink eye*

Random Teenager: I fookin' give up.

Random Teenager: Go away *whack*
Erin: Hey.
TDHish: *snickers*

The random guy takes this as his cue to exit. Like the poor lovesick puppy, Erin follows suit. Subtlety is not her forte.

Out of pity, he offers her a ride home. She accepted, though she felt guilty the entire ride because it was a gas guzzling machine. Oh Erin... <3

Back at her place, she wasted no time in seducing getting to know him. She found out that his name was Sinbad and he was flirty.
Erin: *Score!!... I hope he recycles*

The derp of love. <3

Gotta love flirty sims. They'll shag anything. Most likely the easiest seduction ever.

Sinbad: Fuck yeah.

Poor Erin stress the next morning about her organic autumn salad. 
Erin: How can I be sure it's organic? They could just put that on anything...

And then... Sinbad did something that made me go "Oh shit"

Sinbad: *evil laughter*
Damnit! An evil sim! So much for your wholesome life, Erin. Jeeze, can't you look before you leap?
Well I hope this works out for the best.

Was anyone surprised? 
Erin: I don't care if he's evil, I love him. I would carry this devil spawn to the ends of the earth for him. <33333

With the next four days off, Erin does one of her favorite things. Read.

Then she does her other favorite thing... garden. She gets such a high from doing this. Gotta love the eco-friendly, green thumb combo!

Erin: Soo... now that I'm pregnant
Sinbad: what? Aw shit!
Erin: SO NOW that I'm pregnant, we've got to do the right thing, don't we dear?
Sinbad: Act like it never happened???

Erin: No silly! Get married!
Sinbad: *GASP* Bling!!

Sinbad: OMG, it's so shiny!!! Now I gots me some bling. Yay!!!

Erin: I love you so much. *Married*
Sinbad: I got some bling, I got some bling. I got some bling hey hey hey hey!

I don't think Sinbad realized what he got himself into here.


Even though he's kind of duckfaced and squinty, I can kind of see what Erin sees in him. Kinda.

Erin: *contented glowing*

Just as they settled into the routine of marriage, an all too familiar face appeared.


As Erin goes into labor, Sinbad rues the day.
Sinbad: Bye bye sleep!

He climbs into bed as Erin drives to the hospital.
Sinbad: Maybe she'll just leave it there....

Poor Erin! She looks shell shocked.
Erin: That... was.... painful
Baby: *nom nom nom*

Awww, Cedric, I will love you like no other! *squish*

And so, Cedric was born.

Ho ho ho ho. I grew him up. Sim!Babies suck.

The bald head didn't stick. He just creeped me out. Here he is, derpin like a pro. Gosh, they both look eerie and beautiful at the same time

Here is Sinbad, proving to me that he's not as terrible as I thought. Teaching his son to talk, how cute!
Sinbad: Heartbreak is a bitch, kid.
Cedric: Bitch!

,,,, I take that back.

Bad salad? Or something else? Dun dun DUUUUUUUUN

For an evil father, he's actually pretty sweet.

Before the baby-makin' happened, Erin had signed up to become a stylist. Here is her latest fashion concept. I'm just gonna' go out on a limb and say she should stick to gardening.


In her happy place.

I gave Sinbad a new look. But no matter what I do, he's gonna have this weird face. Kinda handsome... kind creepish. I'm anxious to see what their children will look like *crosses fingers*

Sinbad went out with an old work buddy, but mocked her in to leaving.
I lol'd so hard.

Y'know, he really is a good dad.

Even though there are plenty of seats inside, Erin insists on eating on the porch...

Here we go again!

And that is all I have for now! Tune in next time for moar babies, some possible birthdays, and even more of your favorite gingers!
Thanks for reading!!

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