Stolen from
scottiedog82 01. Name:
02. Birthday (day and month):
03. Place of residence:
04. What makes you happy:
05. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
06. Do you read my LJ:
07. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
08. An interesting fact about you:
09. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment:
10. Favorite place to be:
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Comments 2
02. Birthday (day and month): November 21
03. Place of residence:Hell on Earth, Carmel
04. What makes you happy:School Buses!
05. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:James Blunt CD, i've heard better
06. Do you read my LJ:religously
07. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:good, its you, bad, you dont update enough
08. An interesting fact about you:I LOVE chilli
09. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment:no
10. Favorite place to be:on my bus
11. Favorite lyric:cant think of one
12. Best time of the year:late winter, sunny and 40 degrees
13. Weirdest food you like: everything i eat
01. A film:anything with Madea
02. A book:"Stiff"
03. A band, a song and an album: Josh Gracin, Brass Bed and whatever his album is
01. One thing you like about me: everything, specifically, how much we are alike
02. Two things you like about yourself: I'm brutiful and there is more to me than a cute face
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