Hey all u sports fans,
Where to start...where to start...ok, March Break! I had an amazing day on the Monday with my sister and mother! We went into Ottawa! First we went to the RCMP stables which was so FREAKIN awesome! Then we had high tea at a cafe and went shopping! It was awesome! On wednesday, we went to Toronto! What a blast! Went shopping, swimming, walking, touristing! Oh, we were walking through this 'middle of downtown' park and spotted a red tailed hawk and watched it catch and eat a chipmunk on the ground where he insisted on hopping along with the chipmunk being squashed in one of his talons! Sorta gross but they are so beautiful and i've only ever been that close to a 'domestic one'(RIP aztec)
ONLY 11 SCHOOL DAYS LEFT UNTIL THE ALBERTA TRIP! Can u tell i'm a little excited!! It will be so fun! Anyway tons of work to do until then including 2 fench presenations and at least a handful of major tests and assignments but MAH! I have been sick for two days (today and yesterday) with some kind of mysterious bug but am hoping to reutrn to school tomorrow (friday)!
Fun packed weekend ahead: Saturday is my sister's Skating Show which is always fantastic! there are always tons of cute little skaters acting like dominoes (falling over and pulling each other down too!), awesome group performances (my sister is in Grease! and another number), and dances (go Kyle and Arianna! they are dancing this awesome fire dancy thingy which has really kool music!) And then on Sunday, Lyndsey and I are hosting Allyson's 'Surprise' Bday which is sure to be amusing if nothing else!
To end off I would like to start something which I suggested to Allyson but which a lack of interest has obviously deterred her from starting! Well We had the fantastic idea of taking famous quotes from our favorite books, movies or anything else we could think of, changing them to reflect an aspect of band, and then posting them on our journal! So I will start the chaos with below quotes in hopes that you people will come up with many more and post them on your own journals (all those who are participating must pledge their allegiance by commenting!) ohh and please put details like the source's title with the quotes!
1. Josh: Why can you not stop saying what is in your mind? Why must you lead, when I want to lead? If I want to play the solo I will ask you to let me. If I want to play I will do so. Everyone is forever plaguing me to play further. Why? What good is it to tell you you and your solo are in my every thought from the time I wake? What good can come from my saying that I sometimes cannot think clearly or do my work properly? What gain can rise of my telling you the only time I feel fear as others do is when I think of the solo? That is why I am on this porch, Rejean. I fear for your solo before all others. And yes, I will play with you on our wedding night. (The Village, Lucius Hunt speaking to Ivy Walker about dancing and marriage)
2. Mr Brad Mills: There will be no foolish baton-waving or silly musical notations in this band. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is music-making. However, for those select few...[stares at the backwall sadly]...Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to play perfection, perform masterpieces, and even put a mute in your trumpet.[notices Steve scribbling on her paper]...Then again, maybe some of you have come to CPHS in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to NOT-PAY-ATTENTION...[steps over to Steve]...Mister Irvine. Our new... celebrity. (HP and the SS, Snape addressing class for first time!)
3. Adam J: If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sax...
Allyson: ...and you have my bells...
Lyndsey: ...and my clarinet.
Rejean(to Mr. Mills): You carry the fate of us all, musical one. If this is indeed the will of the band, then we trumpets will see it done.
(LotR, FotR, Aragorn, etc. pledging allegiance to Frodo[Mr Mills])
4. During Alberta Trip, Lyndsey shows her reluctance to work with the Alberta band:
Lyndsey: Rob, when you run through that piece, you gotta know your band members are watching your sax!
Katie: Actually, in Russian they'd be watching your shast.
Lyndsey: Huh?
Katie: Which I suppose is neither here nor there...
(SG-1 Season 5 Episode 8 Jack[Lyndsey] is talking with Carter[Rob] and Daniel[ME!] about the russians!)
5. In the music room, yet another 'brasses vs. woodwinds' dispute is beginning:
[Kaylea bites reed]
Andrew: Do you bite your reed at me, sir?
Kaylea: I do bite my reed, sir.
Andrew: Do you quarrel, sir?
Kaylea: Quarrel sir! no, sir.
Andrew: If you do, sir, I am for you: I serve as good a man as you.
Kaylea: Draw, if you be men. Ally S, remember thy swashing blow.
[and so begins one of many raging music stand battles]
[Mr. Leaf walks in]
Mr. Leaf: Part, fools! Put up thy stands; you know not what you do.
[Beats down their stands with his own stand]
Alison: What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds?
Turn thee, Mr. Leaf, look upon thy death.
Mr. Leaf: I do but keep the peace: put up thy stand,
Or manage it to part these men with me.
Alison: What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word,
As I hate hell, all HP haters, and thee:
Have at thee, coward!
[They fight]
[Mr. Mills enters]
Mr Mills: Rebellious band members! Enemies to peace! Throw your mistemper'd stands to the ground!
(New version of Romeo and Juliet, Sampson = Kaylea, Abraham = Andrew, Gregory = Ally S, Mr. Leaf = Benvolio, Alison = Tybalt, Mr. Mills = Captain Prince)