Title: let it be a lie
Rating: High PG-13
Pairing: Jack/Kate
Summary: Repetition is his only constant. He memorizes the address, the room number, her new name--this time he will ask for "Noreen," for "Anna," for "Susan."
Author's Note: For the prompt 'letter' at the
Impromptu (im)Promptathon, run by
5_loves : electricity and
30_wounds : Go down in flames. Many thanks
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All of that which is to say, thank you! :D And yay--I was so worried about the sex. I am so not a sex writer and so what you've said means the world to me, really! ♥
Poor Kate--I know. :( I'm so glad you felt for her, because I am still feeling the Kate!love like whoa, and that's exactly what I was trying to convey.
Awwww! I'm blushing! Thank you so much for saying all that about the way I write them! I do try to understand them--I don't always succeed, but I try, and that means SO much from a fellow shipper! :D
And of course I'm thrilled that the ending worked for you. In my initial draft it was much darker and more foreboding--but I tossed that and decided that maybe, just once, I'd end with a bit of light. ;)
Thank you so much, as always, for continuing to be the best commenter in the history of commenters! You're so awesome! Awww--and I <3 you for being so kind. My afternoon is officially made. ;D
You're welcome! Oh, great, you've really made me relieved to know that you aren't exactly comfortable with writing sex in fics. I'm not either, at all. . . however, I'll put in sex in fics if I feel it's necessary to the story, but it's always done subtly and just detailed enough so that readers do see the implication that sex had occurred. I know a lot of fic writers who are pretty shameless when it comes to detailing the sex between characters in their fics (particularly in the HP fandom... oh, boy XD), and that amuses me, because I could never really bring myself to do that. Though I guess it's safe to say that a lot of those particular writers are significantly older than you and I and most likely have had more experience, personally, in that department, so that probably makes it easier. (And I'll stop rambling, haha).
You really did make me sympathize with Kate there; a feat which can be unachievable, at times. So congrats. ;D
Hehe, I made you blush, I'm proud. You're very welcome; your modesty is refreshing compared to some other fic writers of Jate I've come across, who steadfastly believe they truly understand Jate, and yet Jack and Kate in their fics are so OOC at times that it makes me cringe. But you, you're one of the good writers, which is great, because that makes you a wonderful addition to the Jate fic writing team here on LJ. I'm glad my opinion, as a fellow shipper, means so much to you. :D
Ooh, you had a different way of ending it, which wasn't hopeful? Well, as well-written as I know it must have been, I am so, so glad you chose to end it this way. A bit of light at the end is always nice. :)
You're so, so welcome; you're the best commenter I have, as well, which makes you awesome, in turn. It's good to know I've made your day! ;D
Yeah, it's definitely a tricky thing to handle. I don't mind sex in fics if it's not gratuitous; I think if it makes sense for the story it's totally appropriate--but really graphic sex is not something I can get into or feel comfortable with writing or reading, either. (lol. The HP fandom is bonkers. Bestiality? Really? XD) No, rambling is totally fine with me, as you know! I totally get/agree with what you're saying!
I don't read much J/K (really, I only trust four to five authors, including you), and so I didn't know that! There is nothing I hate more than an OOC J/K fic. They're a) by infatuated shippers who believe Jack can do no wrong and everything is fluffy bunnies and sunshine or b) triangle-bashing vehicles by angry people. Sigh. Aw, you are a fantastic writer, too, and I really think you understand them as well. :D
Good. :)
Agreed about not being much of a fan of reading graphic sex in fics. And lmao about the HP fandom: there are SO many things, like the one you mentioned, sadly, that do turn up in some fics and I make sure to steer clear from those. I don't care how good the person is at writing; I can't exactly stomach that! My God. XD Yay for rambling and agreeing once more! ;D
I don't read that much J/K, actually, and I too tend to read only the J/K fics by certain people that I know have a handle on them, like yourself. (Aw, thanks for including me!) You're totally right about the OOC J/K fics; I can't even begin to tell you how bad some of them were that I, unfortunately, came across once or twice. You don't necessarily forget them, lol. Anyways. . . thank you! It's good to know that I am luckily one of those fic writers who do seem to have an understanding of Jate. :D
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