Title: let it be a lie
Rating: High PG-13
Pairing: Jack/Kate
Summary: Repetition is his only constant. He memorizes the address, the room number, her new name--this time he will ask for "Noreen," for "Anna," for "Susan."
Author's Note: For the prompt 'letter' at the
Impromptu (im)Promptathon, run by
5_loves : electricity and
30_wounds : Go down in flames. Many thanks
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"Me too," he adds, the phrase tripping comfortably off his tongue. It has replaced "you okay?" as their placeholder.
LOVE IT. I just kinda love what this means, I love the connection to sort of their earlier back and forth and the use of "placeholder" is great, it's very fitting and real for how they operate.
She turns up the corners of her lips and swats away apologies like bees. Her smile is never the same, he realizes; he always knew but he only realizes it now; it is never the same, shifting and wavering with the wind behind her back. Now it is calm and patient and he knows that this means she is hurt.
This is lovely. I love the change you made, you are your own best judge when it comes to that stuff, really! But this is lovely, lyrical, and meaningful and sad without being too sad.
simultaneously pulling him closer and pushing him away
YES just because it is so them and so true and yes. I love how you fit in metaphors and kind of the underlying essence of their relationship, all the twisted and messed up parts, so smoothly into your writing, in this and other pieces.
hunches into herself a little, a spasm skimming across her face--or maybe he imagines it. Maybe this is transference. Her eyes are quiet, his full. She leans into him and then away, his fingers peeling numbly from her skin like plastic. "Kate." Repetition is his only constant
I'm so jealous of this, this is fantastic and just, wow.
There's such a good balance in this one and I'm really glad you wrote it and shared it, because it's rare to sort of find the mix of happy and sad and have it be so good, to have such lovely, beautiful prose. You're so awesome, don't ever stop writing!
Without your help/affirmation I don't think this would ever have seen the light of day, seriously. So, THANK YOU. This comment makes my day!!
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