Dec 02, 2003 23:14
Man that day was crazy. Never had I gone from such a low to such a high in a short amount of time. First off, I dont ever think im going to wrestle 112 again. I had never tryed to cut so much weight, this was really challenging. The day before the tournament (it was wednesday) I was 1.5 lb over. So I came to school in about 4 layers of clothing to drift as much as possible. Keep in mind my last meal sence I weighed in at 3, was lunch the day before. At 12 we all met in my coaches room and waited for the bus while I ran around the track with all my swets on until 1pm, when the bus came. I was still .4 lb over. I had an intresting convo with my coach while I was checking my weight after running. He pretty much said to me: You know, everyone is really worried about you. All the other wrestlers have come up to me and asked why you dont say hi anymore, or even talk to them anymore. They all want to know whats up with Zach this year, why he doesn't even talk to them, even in practice. He also went on about how he's noticed that I've been keeping to myself, and not really even talking to him at all. He said he didn't know if this was because of the cutting weight, or if I was having socail problems, or other things outside of wrestling, but he said that I need to focus this year on whats important, states. He said that cutting all the weight in the world and going down to 112 wont do anything if im too tired to wrestle good, and that today I really needed to start off the season good. He didn't ask any questions, or ask whats been bothering me, hes just pretty much told me these things while i just nodded. The rest of this team was waiting in the locker room for the bus. We where in his class. So after I had checked my weight and I listened to him, we walked over the locker room. It was kind of strange, it felt as if he was escorting me to the locker room, not just walking with me, as if I was the entire team itself, in a way it felt really good. We meet up with the rest of the team just as the bus pulls in, we get on the bus, and off we go.
We get to braddock, and I use their scale to check weight. Still .4 over. I remember thinking "Damn what am I going to do, its 45min till weigh ins, and I've ran out as much swet that will come out of my body already. Fuck im still half a pound over." So I put on about 4 layers of clothes again, borrow mick's beanie, grab my jump rope, and head out side. I jump roped about non stop for a full 30 min. And i mean pretty much non stop. For 30 min. At this point in time, my body was so dry, I had pretty much sweted out all of my body's water. 30min, in the sun jumping rope nonstop, breathing hard and I didn't even break a swet. I was just thinking "Damn, I doubt I lost anything." Time was getting short and I had to check my weight, knowing that I was done, that there would be no more chances to cut any remain tenth's of a pound. I was wrestling 112, and they where giving us the decimals, meaning i could weigh a max of 112.9. I made it to the locker room, stripped down and got ready to step on the scale. I am not one to pray, but I was. Praying that all my hard work was not in vain. That the month of cutting weight, the week of being on a liquid only diet, the 36 of not eating or drinking, and the mental and physical exhaustion that I put myself through was not for nothing. I get on the scale, and it said 112.9. Damn, I was so realived.
After that they called the weigh ins, and we all weighed in. Everyone made it. After weighing in I ran to my bag to be able to drink water for the first time in 36 hours. Up to this point, my mouth was completly white, with the worst case of cotton mouth. Now I started getting mentally ready for my matches, knowing that I would be tired, and that I must succeed.
All four of my matches went great. I went 4-0 with 3 first period pins and one win by about 12 points. This was the greatest part of my day, pretty much the greatest part of my anything for that matter it seams. It was awsome to be so united with the team. We where all in our full uniforms, sporting that purple, All lined up sitting down facing the mat. It was as if everything clicked for me durring that bref period of time. Thats what I remembered what wrestling is about. It woke up a part of me that I havn't seen for so long. It opened up my the desire that I havn't felt for so long. The first match went like this: they started out on heavy weight, our heavy won, and got us all pumped up, then our 103 had a forfiet and it was all up to me. I was so pumped up, I was ready to wrestle, ready to win, and most of all, ready to feed my desire that was burning inside me. I walked to the mat, put my foot on the line, Shook my opponents hand and the ref blew the wistle. we locked up for a little bit, then I got in on a shot, picked him up, and threw him down. Unfortunitly we landed out of bounds so there where no points. I got lucky beacuse I was friends with the ref, and he didn't penalize me for the illeagle slam, he only warned me. After I had thrown my opponent, i just got even more pumped up. So I did it again, and this time I pinned him. I won. I herd the team cheering, and I herd the people in the stands cheering. Thats when I knew I was going to win all 4 matches.
And we did, as a team we beat all 4 teams. Even braddock, whom took 2 i think at states last year. We havn't beaten them in 5 years. And I won all 4 of my matches as well. What an awsome day, I was in a great mood and if felt really good. It was the first time in a while where I was proud of myself, and felt good about my self.