Aug 06, 2006 00:51
I really should update this thing more. I promise I'll do it soon!....Really!! I have a trip to Raging Waters tommorow with Kira. I haven't been there in 2 years and I miss it. Pictures hopefully if I'm up to taking a break and going on a picture spree with my camera :P Next week is Disneyland with mariposa from Aladdin Central. This will be interesting and fun...
You know schools almost ready to start when..... every store has student supplies XD I'm not complaining. For once I'm happy to go back to school. I get my '06-'07 schedual next week. Though if it all goes to plan it should look something like this. Marching, Geometry, Eng. 3, Bio., US History and Concert band. Though I'm praying Cassels will allow me to take out concert band and replace it with Spanish instead. I did so much damage to myself/education the past 2 years and now I'm cleaning it up. It's not pleasent nor fun but I'm doing it. I got a notice from my mom today after we were semi discussing it that she needs to know what I'm doing after highschool by the summer of '07. Joy. Seems like enough time. I have three options right now.
1. Stay here and work my ass off to live in this state. I'm looking at this one though it's slowly becoming my least fav as I get more info and think about it more. I love it here but damn it's just so expensive to live out here *shudder* Roomate anyone? :p
2. Go back east to North Carolina. I'm sure I'm not missing much by not moving with them back there and I really wanna put some distance between myself and my family but this is looking like the best layed out plan and I'm leaning twords this one for now.
3. I have no idea why but I have always felt the urge to pack up and go noth. Maybe not Canada noth but Oregon north which isn't much of a difference but still lol.. And no it's not cause I'm a obsessed fan of stargate. I've felt this way about it before that. I keep finding myself back at this option and I've thought about it. I have to look at a few more things before even considering offering this one to my family but it's there and I'm not chucking it out the window just yet.
I don't wanna wait till 07 to make my choice. I wanna make it now and just start working to make it actually happen. I've been doing reaserch on colleges and rent cost like woah. I really would just like to decide right now but like hell thats gonna happen. I'll post when I've come closer to a decision...
What I would give to be Kira right now. She's known her plan since she was 11 XD :P