Feb 17, 2005 18:24
kuskernut: about to go snort some coke
RadSha7: o fun
RadSha7: enough for me?
kuskernut: eh, yeah, i guessss
RadSha7: ok gosh nm
RadSha7: im never invited to hit up the drugs with you
RadSha7: ha
kuskernut: sorry, tomorrow is fucked-up friday
kuskernut: and saturday is super fucked up saturday
RadSha7: hahaha
kuskernut: and sunday is sober up sunday
kuskernut: and monday is make some money monday for drugs later in the week
RadSha7: brb gotta drug up on cold medicine.
kuskernut: ok, ill continue my list
kuskernut: tuesday is toking tuesday
kuskernut: wednesday is weed fest wednesday
kuskernut: thursday is toking thursday
and i heart matt. nuff said.