Mar 31, 2005 14:22
u never no how good life is until u c or hear what else is going on around u! all i ever did was say how im having such a bad day and how i need sumone and how im depressed because me and matt broke up! no u cant do that... nlife is there for u to take it in the hands and run wit and yeh there will be bumps along the way but u just gotta jump over them... i mean sumtimes u just dont jump high enough and fall flat on ur face and then other times someone trips u and yeh it hurts but god will heal ur wonds so just get bac up and start running again... u will never get anywhere if u became like i was these pass days sad dont no what to do and taking everything out on everyone! there is always a good day that takes out all of them bad days... u just cant wait for that one person u wanted! it just dont happen... but im sry to anybody that i hurt in these past days cause i no iv taken sumthing out on u because i was so caught up in the moment... i didnt even think about what was going on wit u or ur life or how u need prayer! im sry iv changed and i finally noticed it! my tears have stopped flowing and my heart is new so everything is good now and im taking life from a new prospective now! i luv ya all soooo soooooo much... dont take life for granted like i did! luv jessica