Nov 07, 2004 18:10
ok here's an interesting story for ya,
as u all probally know already know that my parents dragged me to a gay christian concert friday night cuz i havent stopped complaining about it. So there they had these compasion children things, u kno the commercials with the children looking sad n u sign up to send them money n u get apic of ur child n a note from them. so my family deciedes to sponser a child, its a nice guesture, his name is john (has 2 begin with a j of course lol)....ok so its cute my lil sis put the picture in a frame n they made a jar 4 spare change to help with the $ we have 2 send every month, its still cute......ok now i come home from working and dinner is almost ready, so i look and i see that the kids pic in the frame is on the table and in front of it is a plate fork knite cup n the works, so i'm like holy shit fuck my family has finally flipped. we also prayed for it b4 dinner....praying is my family's new thing o joy
agh man my head hurts, i reffed to soccer games n babysat n i am sick of lil child n just want 2 go to bed.
but i have to write a paper...i hate skool....grrr