Dec 22, 2005 18:07
I think im obsessed with Panic! at the disco.. or close to obsession.
Yesterday was the last day of school for vacation. We had schedule 2 AKA we did like nothing all day. I got an 84 joint on my electronics and 80 on math dont get no better
So school was cool. english i almost peed myself laughing. Being in a group with Paul L, Paul H, Mason and Ron makes my day. Too funny. School was just a cool day and it ended with a nice assembly. But it all went down on the bus. Me screaming out popsicle jokes, because thats whats up. Then I went home with Sam, took a few pictures fo shizzle. I like taking pictures of her when she sleeps because she drools on her pillow MUHAAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAAHA. And then shes so funny. *phone rings* SHUT THE FUCK UP *looks at caller ID* "oooh babby"
shes so sexy i love her. she like fell asleep rahhhhhhh. but thats ok. because i was destruckting everything haha jk jk. She woke up after i was tortured by her brothers psychoness for about an hour or so.Sam is santa clause. because she came up and packaged me in a big red bag and said i want you for christmas. AKA SANTA WANTS ME! OH YEAH BABBYYY.. hmmm and then we went to cheer paul on at the game. i wanted him to play goalie and i was like YAH WE WANT PAUL LEARY and i was screaming that over and over at the top of my lungs and lauren was cheerin too and some guy yells at us and i was like aww man you fell off. and then evan called and blahhh were jus not gonna talk about that and then i went home and called hgim back and then talked to fatz and then went out for a smidge bit and passed out when i came home.
and now im like chillin grillin willin on strawberry chizzle mah nizzle for rizzal lmfao..
ok well im outies 500. Christams vacation does not equal sittin on the computer all day